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Light-Up Ocean-Zoo Aquarium Cover (batteries included)

Light-Up Ocean-Zoo Aquarium Cover (batteries included)
Light-Up Ocean-Zoo Aquarium Cover (batteries included)

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Light-Up Ocean-Zoo Aquarium Cover (batteries included)

Model Number: 54
If you already have an Ocean-Zoo aquarium, you can replace the plain cover with this electric projector cover for dramatic lighting effects. (batteries included)
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Your Price: $15.00
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131 Left in Stock
Manufacturer: Transcience LLC
  • Description

“LIMITED QUANTITY: Now is the time to add the ExploraToy illuminated searchlight lid to your tank before they are all gone. Long out of production, the battery powered lighting element serves as an overhead light for your pet Sea-Monkeys. Remove it and it functions as a spotlight to see those tiny newborn babies.”  (batteries included)